Feb 9, 2010

My last Personal Post!!!

My first two posts are related to my personal life. I hope it was different and i believe that you like it. When I was thinking what to write the next, my close friend Vishnu called me to congratulate regarding the blog and to share his best wishes. After saying his comments he asked me to stop writing about personal stuffs and to start some thing new. So taking his advise, Let me stop writing about personal stuffs!!! (Maybe I will continue it at a later stage). But this will be my last personal post.

I guess no one in this world is perfect in all the things. and if you tell there are many who are perfect, then let me tell you "I am not perfect in all the things"!!! Yes, even I am a ordinary common human and i have done some mistakes in my life. I have felt bad for those mistakes and I have even made an effort to rectify those mistakes. But i have one such incident which is deep inside my heart which is still pricking me like anything.

The incident goes some years back when i was in my 10th Standard.

I was childish, funny and I used to take everything very lightly. There was a miscommunication between me and a friend of mine. Let the name of the person be " X ". One day X called me after me joining 11th in my same school. I was angry on X just because of the reason X dint call me for a very long time after changing his/her house to a different area. I told something sarcastically which X dint not understand and misinterpreted differently. That was the last call I got from X and that was the end of our relationship.

After that I heard X was not willing to talk anything to me anymore.

Even though the mistake is on both sides I take it fully as my mistake. I wanted to tel X a big sorry, for hurting you so much in all these years.

X, you have to clearly understand that even I was angry with you for some very true reasons. Even I have some questions to you which you can not answer !! . I don't know whose side is the mistake, but till now I think I am wholly responsible for what happened.

I dint write this to make you understand about me. I just wanted to share with everyone that I have also done some mistake and I FEEL SORRY FOR IT.

This is not just to share some thing with you all. Even you ask your mind, If you have anything which makes you feel bad, take a bunch of sorry's and give it to the X in your life!!!!


  1. even i was thinking about telling you to stop writing about personal stuff... even if its personal present it in a different "public" form so people will enjoy it... :) :) all the best :)

  2. nothin wron da....guess dis s de most beautiful way of expressin sorry....your x s no more gonna hate you da....nobody s perfect so share t .....keep growin dude... :)

  3. hmmm good effort to express ur openion frankly i like tis approach
